The ShowDogs-L Whelphelpers List provides opportunities to pair experienced breeders with less-experienced people in order to provide back-up and general assistance. It also provides those wanting to gain more experience with opportunities to observe experienced breeders whelping a litter in order to gain additional experience in the field of breeding dogs.
This portion of the Whelphelpers List is a listing of those wanting to learn more and wish to gain experience.

Anyone who participates on this list agrees *not* to accept payment for their assistance. Absolutely NO money is to be charged for this! That would put us in the area of practicing veterinary medicine without a license!!!

Click Here for Experienced List

Name State Breed(s) Distance willing to travel Comments
Bonnie Anthony MD, DC area Labs Any where in the region Inexperienced in dogs, experienced in people!
Tanya Cassinat Boise ID Miniature Dachshunds Boise area Have whelped 3 uneventful litters. Looking for more experience.
Brytt Hasslinger Central MO PWDs & Whippets Two hours Have whelped four litters
Genie Murphy
Upstate, SC
50 mile radius
Have whelped one litter of PWCs, mostly uneventful, free whelped. Second litter needed emergency c-section.  Planning litter of CWCs for June 2007 whelping.  Need experience before then if possible.
Mary O'Neal Lansing, MI Scotties, Westies, Wires 70 miles  
Abby Pennington Twin Cities/ MN Pems, Aussie, Pug 30 mins (30 miles give or take)  
Alice Rehm North Central OH   100 miles  
Patti Thorp Robinson West Chester, PA Cavaliers One hour's drive of Philly area Looking specifically for small breeds that whelp naturally.
Sue Vose CA Labradors
Heather Whitehead
Tallahassee, FL
Dalmatians 50 miles
Can help with normal deliveries, I've bred/whelped two litters, but both were relatively uneventful. My first litter did have a breech who had aspirated meconium,
and had a rough start, but he picked up after a few days and did very well.
charlotte, nc   100 miles  


For Showdogs-L Members only, if you want to be listed to attend a breeding near your location, please complete this Form

Please Note: We wish to make it *very* clear to all parties that neither SDL nor anyone who volunteers to assist with a whelping is a substitute for veterinary advice!!


Anyone who participates on this list agrees *not* to accept payment for their assistance. Absolutely NO money is to be charged for this! That would put us in the area of practicing veterinary medicine without a license!!!

This listing is intended to provide a sounding board by phone or email, or an extra pair of hands during a whelping, quick breaks to the bitch owner who may need to leave the bitch in labor for short periods (such as to take a shower or feed the other dogs in the house), and general back-up.

The owner of the bitch should make initial contact with anyone on the list well prior to the expected due date to work out arrangements such as whether it's okay to phone at midnight, give driving directions if the *whelphelper* will be attending the whelping, etc.

We strongly *encourage* people to at least speak on the phone together before handing out driving directions to your home. This is a reminder that these pages are available on the web (not just to SDL members) so please use your best judgment and go with your gut instinct when dealing with anyone who contacts you, it may be better to pass on any offers of assistance that don't feel quite right.

